Saturday, January 15, 2011

Economic Recovery

Things are getting better, day by day - and here is proof! If you are still out of work, don't give up - new jobs are being added all the time. I truly believe the economy has turned around now and is headed up, not only in the US but world wide. I not only think that the industry we do have left in this country will continue to grow, I believe the current administration sees it as an important part of a healthy economy and will help it to grow and expand. As companies start to become profitable again new industry will emerge. As new industries are established and old ones expand there will be more jobs and the more people make the more they spend and the more people spend the more jobs there are in other areas, etc. etc. etc. Wow, it's just like an economic snow ball - that's it! An avalanche made of money!
Jeffrey Lacker, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, said in a speech Friday that recent economic activity suggests the economic recovery is through its soft patch. He said he expects stronger growth this year, between 3.5 percent and 4 percent.

 As always with news links, there are negative comments, but I am asking you all to add a positive comment. Do not let the nay sayers and doom talkers keep people from hearing all the good and positive news out there.

Often, when I tell somebody about these good news articles and get responses like "Really? I didn't see that." or "Wow, why didn't someone tell me that?" or "Gosh, I wish I had known that earlier, that really makes me feel better."  And I agree with all of that. Just hearing that good things are happening does make us all feel better.  Ever since I started this little project of actively going out looking for what good news I could find and passing it on, I have felt better myself. So many people I meet online suffer from depression. No wonder people are depressed when all they see and hear is bad news. If you see good news like this or any other positive news or if you have good news of your own to share, please let people know.

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